Thursday, March 08, 2012

Me, myself and I

So it's been a while since I last posted on here, but things have been hectic and I have completely fallen off the wagon. So in an effort to get back on track I will just try and log my days in here in order to be accountable to something other than my self...

I have signed up for Challenge Copenhagen which is an Ironman in taking place in Copenhagen. I am both so psyched and so scared about this, but if I get my act together and put in the hours of training that I need I am sure I can do it. Up until now my training has been sporadic at best, but I just have to let that go and get on with it. Three things are stopping me from doing great at the moment, me myself and I...

One of many days sounds like this:
My plan for monday is to get out of bed and go to spin class at 5.45 since I really wan't to take a long day at the office and therefor won't make it to the evening class, and I need to swim as well... Monday morning alarm clock rings, and person nr one (Me) starts making excuses:

"Your tired and will not get enough out of this, cortisol levels are sky high (even though I slept 7-8 hours), sleep an hour more and go in the evening, and just do two workouts in a row..."

First mistake... The idea of having to do two workouts in a row stresses me all day and I end up skipping spin class entirely, thinking I'll just go for a run in the evening... Come evening, person nr 2 (Myself) starts talking:

"Well your not feeling too hot, and your ankle has been bothering you (half truth - more about that later) and also your knee has been acting up again (another half truth - that makes one whole truth)."

At this point the last person (I) chimes in:

"maybe it would be better to just wait and go for a run in the morning, yes I know you normally can't drag yourself out of bed for a run but hey tomorrow will be different...."

About those half truths, yes I have had a tightening in my ankle, but nothing more than I can handle on a normal 6 mile run, and as long as I just listen and don't overdo it I should be fine. Also kinda seems like it was getting better, but what do I know I havn't been out for a run since Saturday. Half truth nr 2: Yes after my run saturday I have had some locking pains in my knee, but until I actually go for a run, however short it might be, I won't know how bad it is. Also last summer I got over it by taking a running pause, so it's not a death sentence...

So anyhow I am going to try an be honest about things here, look at the excuses I come up with and actually judge how valid they are... Let you know how it goes!

So I kicked Myself and I in the but and got out for a 7 mile run tonight. Didn't bring my watch but know I was going nice and slow, definitely a bit scared of having my knee give out on me and having to walk home. Luckily that was not the case, knee held up it's part of the bargain, know if only ankle could learn a thing or two from knee... After about 3 miles it started to tighten up. The pain comes and goes, but definitely gets worse after a while, so I was happy to see the house. I really hope I can stretch it away but we will see.
Going to spin class in the morning, and if time permits it a swim in the evening after work.

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