Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Coconut salmon

So Mark just had a post about the carb count, and I guess it would be a great idea to try to track it for a few days to see how much I actually eat due to fruit etc. So the next couple of days I will try to post my carb count, and work at keeping it under 100g.
Today I had company and made this really great dish with salmon and coconut milk. I made this with a friend of mine a few days ago, and it is definitely a great dish to serve to show how great the food on this "diet" is. I modified it a bit by adding mushrooms to the sauce and then I made zucchini pasta and green beans to make it a more full meal.

Tonight I was actually going to go for a short run, but the weather is really crappy, so I will use this as an opportunity to get to bed early and actually get close to 8 hours of sleep - another ground stone in the Primal Blueprint lifestyle.

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