So last week I got some rather crappy news. I went to my physiotherapist because my bag was making a fuss again, and apparently I should have been listening to the yelling a lot sooner. So the muscles in my bag are getting even more cramped up and I can't even go 40km on the bike without it hurting. So the triathlon is on hold for now, and so is the long bike rides until I get this sorted out. At least I can still run and swim, so it's not all rainy clouds. Speaking of I went for a 10km run this morning in pouring rain - which was great (yes I'm weird like that).
I'm still trying to eat paleo which will hopefully get a lot easier now when my training amount decreases. I havn't uploaded anything new the last few days but that because I have been eating a lot of the same things as I have already shown, and also just easy food that doesn't require much preparation.
But yesterday I had Zucchini and Beef-Mince which doesn't look like much but tasted great and was really easy and fast to make. Next time I make it I would probably add some more vegetables to spice it up a little.
Today I had Curry chicken for dinner which took a bit of preparation since you pretty much make the rice yourself, but it was totally worth it. I think it is so great that you can find substitutes for pasta, rice and potatoes - and by doing, at the same time you get a lot of vegetables. For those who are wondering by making the rice yourself I just meand chop up the cauliflower in the food processor and the frying it in a pan. I fried the "rice" in curry to spice the dish up even more, and next time I'll probably add an apple to the mix since curry and apple go great together.
So next week I'll have yet another visit from some great friends (hey they might be reading this) so the whole paleo will be depending on the food available where we go to eat and what they are up for. So I probably wont post again for a few days...
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