So the fact that I have a blog showing food and recipes is actually rather surprising to the people who know me, and also to myself if I have to admit it. I have never really liked to cook, I hated trying to many new things with regards to food since I had absolutely no idea how to combine things unless I had a recipe to follow. So to me this whole paleo thing has not only been great because my body functions best on this type of food, but I have really come to enjoy cooking, just in case you were thinking the opposite. I think it is fantastic to have some food I used to love, and then just trying with a few paleo friendly substitutes to make something similar, and then ending up with something that tastes even better.
So after tonights CrossFit workout I made Plaice fillets dipped in ground almonds with roasted green beans and oven baked hokkaido pumpkin. I just dipped the fillets in egg and then in ground almonds seasoned with salt, and then I fried them in coconut oil for a few minutes on each side. This was so delicious and ten times better than when they are dipped in bread crumps which is the normal. Give it a try you won't regret it...

So my workout plans haven'tbeen going to great, somehow life has a tendency to get in the way. But I made it to CrossFit this evening for an amazing workout. The WOW was 10 rounds of:
15 deadlifts with 30kg
15 push ups (still on my knees)
Afterwards we had a bonus tabata workout:
4 rounds of 4 different shoulder excercises with a 5 kg weight plate.
Definitely very busted after that, but in that great way where you feel like your actually doing something right.